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Needs help

Urgent‼ For Ognik‼ Big fundraiser to save his life.

How much?
As much as you can give.
He is fighting for every minute.
We need to raise $8,100.

This will be a plea unlike any other. But as I write this, my hands are shaking, and tears are streaming down uncontrollably. Because this is just an ordinary rural horse from Podlasie who almost died a moment ago. And now he is slipping away again.

Ognik. That’s what we named him.

Because fire consumed the barn, and that’s his story. And now it’s almost a sentence. Ognik gazes at me with his eyes as I write to you. He gently turns his head and nudges me with his nostrils. As if every movement causes him immense pain.

A few days ago, we received a phone call. And a stack of photos.

We already have our Czech Sony, who survived a fire, but this looked much worse. It turned the gaze of everyone I showed the photos to, and everyone only said, “Take THAT away.”

Podlasie. A small farm. A fire broke out a month ago. Some animals were saved, some lost their lives. Ognik was partially saved and partially not. He somewhat won his life. But when I look at him, I don’t know if you can call it winning the lottery. I see cracked, festering wounds and burnt patches of skin from his tail to his cheeks. My own skin and insides hurt, so I try to focus on writing.

When the veterinarian who visited the farm and the horse contacted us, she said that a clinic in Warsaw decided to put the horse down. No one wanted to treat Ognik.

The horse is 2 years old. For several years, a young boy saved money for him. He saved and saved until he grew up and bought himself a foal. After 2 years, the fire broke out. The one you are reading about. It was a family tragedy. It also became Ognik’s tragedy. Because he was left with burns covering about 65 percent of his body – alone. Because the modern world he encountered did not want to give him any prospects. Who would treat a horse with such burns?

When I called to ask how to help, it turned out the horse needed to be taken away because, with such extensive injuries, there was no chance for anything, especially with summer coming and him standing in another barn. When I said we would somehow organize and try to take the horse in, the drama began. Because the boy loved the horse very much and did not trust us at all. He was even afraid about transporting Ognik. This moved us deeply.

We sent our best people, who have been transporting horses almost since birth, to get the horse even at night. When Ognik arrived at our place, it was 2 AM. We did not want to transport him in the heat.

Our veterinarian gave recommendations, but everyone who saw Ognik threw up their hands.

Our Sony did not receive help quickly enough after the fire, and he still suffers greatly in the summer. The rest of the year is bearable.

We know there is one “medicine” that helps. It was created in Hungary by Tibor Jakabovics. And it is a chance for Ognik to survive. Because Ognik is fighting for his life today. Not even for health. Today we don’t know if he will survive. Because the skin is like lungs. It’s breath and circulation. It’s everything Ognik has. It’s his entire pain.

We need one bottle of the product Lavyl every two days. Because the surface area of the skin is enormous. Additionally, it needs to be added to drinking water to heal everything from the inside. One bottle costs about $122. And here we hit a wall.

Who will want to give so much for some rural Ognik from Podlasie to buy him enough bottles for several months?

I thought all night. I couldn’t sleep. Bring him and put him down? As the clinic recommended? Here at Centaurus, so many miracles have happened, and we use so many methods. We treat animals with various methods. I’ve known Lavyl (nanotechnology) for almost 10 years. It has done wonders for both people and animals. It was originally created for extensive burns, though today it serves many other cases. But it is incredibly expensive. And at the same time, it’s the only chance to heal Ognik.

Seriously, every $5 counts. This is not a slogan. We need to raise about $8,100 for the Hungarian medicine alone. And maybe someone among you has it or could buy it and send it to us?

Time is crucial. Because every minute is immense suffering for Ognik.

Please, don’t pass judgment like everyone else. 2 years old is just the beginning of life. And if we could raise this amount and heal Ognik – think of how many animals we could save that are put down today because of burns?

Ognik is himself. But Ognik is also a symbol of perspectives for rural, disregarded animals that are often denied a future because they come from nowhere.

Please, stand up for this burnt horse today. Look into his eyes, the only part of him that has fully remained healthy. And say that you are here and won’t leave as long as he needs you.

We are raising funds for the medicine for 4 months. We are raising funds for the veterinarian, the rehabilitation center that will take care of Ognik (we want to place him at Rancho Rosochacz, where we have had trust and proper conditions for years), for fans, for lighting, for endoscopy, for hay pellets, and oat-free feed.