Urgent ! We are on FIRE‼ We already have $125 ‼ For Ptys!
Can you feel it?
or have you lost your strength after yesterday?
Then get up.
I beg you, get up.
Little girl, Asia gave us all her birthday money, $125 she collected three days ago. And all she wants is to save the his life.
15 1020 5226 0000 6002 0220 0350
Centaurus Foundation
street Wałbrzyska 6-8, 52-314 Wrocław
about the content PTYS
call 7412 (cost PLN 4.92 including VAT)
call 91950 (cost PLN 23.37 including VAT)
call 92400 (cost PLN 29.52 including VAT)
Can you feel it?
or have you lost your strength after yesterday?
Then get up.
I beg you, get up.
Little girl, Asia gave us all her birthday money, USD125 she collected three days ago. And all she wants is to save the his life.
And here’s Ptysio.
Ptysio didn’t know he would be here today.
Neither did we or Asia.
Ptysio was at the market.
He went from the market to the purchase center.
From there, there is only one option left – you know where he will go, I won’t shred the keyboard for that.
The trader looked at Sasha, laughed loudly and said, “Who will give you USD500 for such a carcass as a deposit for the evening news?!” And he kicked the little Ptyś who was pressed against the bars.
Sasha just said quietly, “Asia will. You’ll see,” but the merchant didn’t hear.
Ptysio is one of millions like him. There is no ace up his sleeve.
He already has secured 125USD from 7-year-old Asia.
Ptysio has only 10 hours left. And you.
Do you think that’s enough?
Centaurus Foundation
street Wałbrzyska 6-8
52-314 Wrocław
PKO BP 15 1020 5226 0000 6002 0220 0350
For payments from abroad
IBAN: PL15102052260000600202200350
PKO BP Branch I in Wrocław
street Wita Stwosza 33/35
50-901 Wrocław
For payments abroad and fixed deposits (Raiffeisen Bank):
PL36 1750 1064 0000 0000 2257 6747 (payments in PLN)
PL17 1750 1064 0000 0000 2257 6798 (payments in EUR)
Centaurus Club account
13 1020 5226 0000 6302 0398 3293