My little Adas is going to die‼ $342‼
Adas, don’t move.
Stay still for the photo, honey.
Yeah. Look into the lens.
Look, because when I am gone, if one day you will wake up and I won’t be there – remember their faces, those who stand there with the camera.
And go with them.
And don’t look back.
15 1020 5226 0000 6002 0220 0350
Centaurus Foundation
street Wałbrzyska 6-8, 52-314 Wrocław
about the content ADAS
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My little Adas is going to die‼ $342‼
Adas, don’t move:
Stay still for the photo, honey.
Yeah. Look into the lens.
Look, because when I am gone, if one day you will wake up and I won’t be there – remember their faces, those who stand there with the camera.
And go with them.
And don’t look back.
I’m old now.
Worn out.
I had You, little one, at the end of my life.
At the time when everyone can count my ribs and my heart beats more quietly with every day – you are just growing up.
Everything is ahead of you.
Like it used to be before me.
So when they come for me, don’t open your eyes.
Close them tightly and hold for a few moments.
I won’t make any noise.
I will walk across this threshold in silence.
I will so that you will remember me as very brave.
May you always believe that I wasn’t afraid of anything that day.
And when those few moments pass, open your eyes, get up and go to the barn door.
There will be people there that you will follow. You will go towards life that awaits you, my little one.
And don’t think about me too much.
Enjoy the green grass, chase flies and relax in the shade of widespread trees.
And when you sometimes look at the sky – I will be there, under my tree. I will wait until your life is over and you come galloping here to me one evening.
But today, look into the lens.
Look and remember these people…
We want to buy out both Adas and his mother.
We have 10 hours.
We need to collect $342 in deposit.
Centaurus Foundation
street Wałbrzyska 6-8
52-314 Wrocław
PKO BP 15 1020 5226 0000 6002 0220 0350
For payments from abroad
IBAN: PL15102052260000600202200350
PKO BP Branch I in Wrocław
street Wita Stwosza 33/35
50-901 Wrocław
For payments abroad and fixed deposits (Raiffeisen Bank):
PL36 1750 1064 0000 0000 2257 6747 (payments in PLN)
PL17 1750 1064 0000 0000 2257 6798 (payments in EUR)
Centaurus Club account
13 1020 5226 0000 6302 0398 3293